Time and time again I am amazed by the amount of underutilized technology that floats around offices. How many times have you heard, “we don’t use that because so and so no longer works here, we don’t know how to use it.”? Kind of crazy right? The biggest kicker is that some of this technology is really expensive. I’ve talked to people about equipment worth $100k+ that they don’t use because it’s too complicated, or for what they need it isn’t necessary; oftentimes this dismissive nature comes from a fear of the unknown and not wanting to “break” the equipment. For exactly these reasons Veraview offers extensive training and support packages with each and every project.
There should never be just one person in an organization who fully understands how a system works, especially if they are in IT. IT personnel are busy, they have their own projects in addition to maintaining your computers and phones; they will inevitably learn the new technology but they should be a last resort, not the first call. The employees that are going to use the system should all have, at least, a general understanding of how the technology works. Being able to turn on a video conferencing system and place a call (for example) should be common knowledge amongst the people who participate in video calls. For exactly this reason, we offer training sessions upon completion of a project to bring all necessary employees up to speed on how to use the newly installed technology.
When people understand the benefits of technology as well as how to make it work they stop fearing the equipment and start using it. As more employees embrace a given technology your company will start to reap the benefits that caused you to purchase that technology in the first place. This all starts with proper training and support. Head to our contact page and let us know about your training and support needs.